Halal Restaurant: Genji Restaurant Hilton Hotel Osaka

Berawal dari rasa penasaran pengen makan Kobe Beef, tapi setelah dicari-cari belum ada restoran di Osaka yang menawarkan Kobe Beef halal. Ya sudahlah kami pun membelokkan pilihan ke Wagyu halal. Satu-satunya restorang yang menyediakan Wagyu Halal yang kami temukan di Genji Restaurant, Hotel Hilton Osaka. Naik pesawat LCC tapi pengen makan di tempat mahal ya kami ini contohnya. Padahal ga pernah sekali pun di Indonesia kami makan di resto kelas atas. Sumpah belagu banget! Tapi dasar emang kami kere, harga untuk lunch course per orang-nya selalu dibanding-bandingin sama biaya pengeluaran kami yang lain. Makanya postingan ini bakal panjang, hahahaha (ga mau rugi).

It’s all began from our curiosity to taste Kobe Beef. We tried to find any restaurant that serve halal Kobe Beef in Osaka but there were none. So we decided to taste the real Wagyu instead. The restaurant we found to serve it is Genji Restaurant at Hilton Hotel Osaka. Even though we fly with LCC airlines, but we eat at a high class restaurant. LOL. This post gonna be long coz we already paid so much for the meal, hahahaha.


Genji Restaurant ini menyediakan masakan Jepang konsep Teppanyaki. Daging Wagyu yang digunakan berasal dari merek “USHI” yang telah disertifikasi halal oleh Japan Islamic Trust. Kalau ga mau makan daging dan pengen nyoba Sushi atau Tempura juga bisa kok.

Hilton Osaka offers “Halal Wagyu & Teppanyaki” at 3F Japanese Restaurant “Genji”. They use a Japanese beef brand “USHI” which is Halal certificated by “Japan Isramic Trust”. (“USHI” beef has slaughtered in conformity with Islamic Law by Muslim slaughterers who are trained in Halal slaughtering practices and understand the Islamic rules and conditions for slaughtering ). Please ask special arrangement for Sushi, Kaiseki, and Tempura.


Okeh, sebelum kami ceritakan makan apa aja di sana, namanya resto kelas atas biasanya kudu bikin reservasi dulu. Nah, ini bisa dilakukan melalui internet. Pertama, masuk dulu ke laman web Genji Restaurant. Sayangnya semua dalam bahasa Jepang dan tidak ada pilihan mengubah bahasa. Siap-siap buka Google Translate juga biar ga bingung.

Reservation is advised as it’s a high class restaurant (we assumed) and also to give them enough preparation to serve Halal menu. The reservation can be made online through their website Genji Restaurant. Unfortunately everything are in Japanese language. So you need our best friend Google Translate to help you making through the reservation process.


Setelah klik link di atas, akan muncul form reservasi.

Click the link shown on the red square for reseravation form.


Panel paling atas untuk jumlah orang, panel tengah untuk pilihan lunch (ランチ) atau dinner (ディナー), panel terakhir tanggal untuk reservasi. Setelah memilih tanggal, akan muncul juga jam reservasi yang diinginkan.

The upper panel is for the number or guest, the middle panel is the option for lunch (ランチ) or dinner (ディナー), the last panel is to choose the reservation date. Once you decided your date, the exact time/hour of your reservation will also be asked.


Contoh di atas reservasi untuk 2 orang, lunch (ランチ). Harga lunch sekitar ¥7,000 dan harga dinner ¥15,000. karena kami kere, ya pasti milih makan siang aja.

Above is the example of lunch reservation for two. Price for lunch is ¥7,000 and for dinner is ¥15,000. Not include drink.


Selanjutnya kita mengisi data diri yang terdiri dari Nama belakang (panel atas kiri), nama pertama (panel atas kanan), pilihan no telp kantor/rumah/handphone (panel baris kedua kiri), no telpon (panel baris kedua kanan), alamat email (panel baris ketiga), dan permintaan khusus (panel baris keempat). Isi panel permintaan khusus ini dengan menu Muslim Friendly (copy paste aja ini: ムスリムフレンドリーメニュー).

Next you need to fill in your data: last name (upper left panel), first name (upper right panel), option for office/home/cellphone (second row left panel), phone number (second row right panel), email address (third roe panel), and special request (fourth panel). You can request for a muslim friendly menu on the last panel (just copy paste this to fill: ムスリムフレンドリーメニュー).


Kalau data sudah terisi nanti akan muncul tiket reservasi seperti gambar di atas. Selain itu juga, akan ada konfirmasi reservasi dalam bahasa Jepang dan Inggris yang dikirimkan melalui email beserta menu yang akan disajikan.

When all data are filled, it will show a reservation ticket like the picture above. Then, they will send you a confirmation and the menu (in English) to your email.


Sip, reservasi udah. Kayak gimana sih makanannya? Sebelum kita liat makanannya, boleh lah tengok sikit eksteriornya *nyebelin*. Restoran ini letaknya ada di lantai 3. Begitu keluar dari lift bisa keliatan ada di pojok kiri. Kami ke sana langsung dari airport dengan muka bantal dan belum mandi. Kami nyadar dikit lah mau makan di resto kelas atas, jadi sengaja pake kemeja dan bukan kaus oblong, hehe.

Nice, the reservation has been made. How’s the food taste? Well, first let’s take a look the exterior of the restaurant. The restaurant is located on the third floor, once you stepped out from the lift you can spot it at the left corner. We went there straight from the airport with a sleepy face and haven’t showered. Our best effort was to ditch out our comfy t-shirt and changed into a shirt to make us look decent enough. LOL.



Waktu kami datang ke sana, restorannya ga terlalu rame. Malah bisa dikatakan sepi (ya iyalah, mahal sih!). Setelah konfirmasi reservasi ke mbak yang jaga di luar, kami langsung dipandu menuju meja yang khusus disiapkan untuk kami yang memesan menu halal. Lengkap dengan sertifikat Halal terpampang nyata di depan mata.

When we arrived there, there’s not much people. Confirm your reservation to the lady at the front door and then you’ll be escorted to a special table for Halal menu. To convince you even more, a Halal certificate is presented on the table.



Karena konsepnya Teppanyaki, maka ada chef yang masak langsung di depan kami. Ga cuma bahan makanannya, semua alat masak dan alat makan juga disiapkan khusus bagi yang memesan menu Halal.

With Teppanyaki concept, the chef cooked the meals right in front us. Not only the ingeredients, all the cooking utensils are specially provided to cook Halal menu. The menu itself consists of 5-course meals.

Smoked salmon trout rosette with asparagus Edible flowers, ravigotte sauce

Smoked salmon trout rosette with asparagus Edible flowers, ravigotte sauce

Pertama-tama, kami disuguhkan makanan pembuka yang tersaji dengan cantik. Secara keseluruhan rasanya enak, paling cuma potato salad-nya aja yang agak mengecewakan karena rasanya kayak yang dijual di supermarket.

We had the first course which plated beautifully. Overall it taste good except the potato salad which taste like the one you can buy at the supermarket.

Stick vegetables salad with dipping sauces Carrot, celery, cucumber, “Daikon” radish, endive and radish Guacamole and mustard mayonnaise

Stick vegetables salad with dipping sauces Carrot, celery, cucumber, “Daikon” radish, endive and radish Guacamole and mustard mayonnaise

Makanan yang kedua berupa lalap salad dengan dua pilihan dipping sauce. Serius rasa sayurnya ga seperti yang biasa kami makan. Mungkin karena pake sayur dengan mutu tinggi, jadi ada rasa manisnya dan segar. Tanpa dicocol ke saus pun udah enak.

The second course was vegetable salad with dipping sauces. The vegetables taste  so different compared to what we usually eat. As expected from a high class restaurant that only choose the best ingredient. The veggies has  a sweet flavor and fresh. Without dipping it to mustard or mayonnaise, it already taste good.


Sambil kami menikmati hidangan yang kedua, chef-nya udah mulai nyiap-nyiapin bahan untuk makanan utama yang kami tunggu-tunggu: Wagyu! Bo, bahkan di piringnya pun ada tempelan logo Halal dong…..

While we were eating the second course, the chef was preparing ingredients for the anticipated main course: Wagyu! They put a Halal logo on the plate just in case you still haven’t convinced enough. 


 Wagyu yang dipake asalnya dari Hokkaido. Menurut chef-nya kualitas daging Wagyu Hokkaido ga kalah sama Kobe. Dagingnya keliatan mengandung lemak cukup banyak, jadi bisa terbayang empuk dan gurihnya. Semua bahan ditumis dengan bumbu minimalis: garam dan lada. Sambil nunggu masakannya matang, kami dikasih 3 jenis saus.

They use Wagyu from Hokkaido. According the chef it has the same quality as Kobe beef. The meat has beautiful marbling, so you can imagine the savory and tenderness once it cooked. All the ingredients are cooked with a minimalist seasoning, just enough to bring the flavor out.


Japanese beef fillet and sirloin Sauteed mushrooms and “Teppan” grilled vegetables Shallot soubise sauce flavored with “Wasabi” Three dip, onion/ tomato salsa “Ponzu” sauce Sesame seeds sauce

Akhirnya momen yang ditungu-tunggu tiba juga. Yang pertama kali masuk ke mulut udah pasti daging Wagyu dan…… dagingnya enak dan empuk banget! Paling enak pas baru aja diangkat dari wajan, bener-bener kayak lumer di mulut. Karena udah enak dimakan gitu aja, pas dicocol ke saus malah rasa sausnya yang dominan. Tumis sayurannya juga ga kalah enak. Satu lagi yang kami ga nyangka enaknya adalah bawang goreng yang rasanya kayak makan kentang.

Finally the moment of truth! We scooped out the Wagyu and…. the meat was so juicy and tender! It taste best when still hot as it melted right away in the mouth. The sauce can be overpowering the meat flavor so we recommend to eat it just as is.  The sauteed vegetables also taste great, as expected from a top quality ingredients. Last, the fried onion was unexpectedly delicious as it tastes like potato.

Garlic rice with Japanese beef Lentil and vegetable soup

Garlic rice with Japanese beef Lentil and vegetable soup

Setelah terkagum-kagum dengan kelembutan daging Wagyu, kemudian kami disuguhi nasi goreng dan sup sayuran yang rasanya…….. hambar. Sepanjang makan si nasi goreng, kami ga berenti ngomentarin kalo nasi goreng ini kurang bumbu. Meski dimasak dengan soy sauce Halal, tapi rasanya tetep hambar. Kalau sup sayur mungkin masih bisa dimaafkan karena kekuatan sup kan di kaldu. Berhubung yang dipake kaldu sayur jadi rasa gurihnya udah pasti kurang. Malah sebenarnya untuk ukuran kaldu sayur, rasanya udah lumayan.

The forth course was weak. The garlic rice and vegetable soup taste……. bland. We couldn’t stop to keep commenting about how bland was the Garlic rice. Even though we’re quite impressed how they use Halal soy sauce for the garlic rice seasoning. We can tolerate the blandness of the vegetable soup as we know that the core flavor of soup come from the stock. You can’t expect vegetable stock as savory as meat stock anyway.

Crumbed baked cheese cake with caramel ice cream Red berries sauce

Crumbed baked cheese cake with caramel ice cream Red berries sauce

Kekecewaan kami akan makanan sebelumnya sirna begitu makan cheese cake ini. Bahkan kami berani bilang kalau cheese cake ini yang terenak yang pernah kami makan. Beda banget rasanya sama kayak yang dijual di bakery ataupun yang bikin sendiri (ya iyalah…..).

We could say that the last course was the star of the whole course. Or maybe after the Wagyu. It paid our disappointment toward the previous dish. It taste soooooo delicious! Different from what we ever ate before.


Perjalanan kuliner belagu kami ditutup dengan segelas teh hijau terenak yang pernah kami minum. Oh ya, karena harga ¥7,000 belum termasuk minum, kami memesan Ginger Ale. Total biaya yang kami bayar sebesar ¥8,050 per orang. Secara keseluruhan meski ada satu atau dua makanan yang agak mengecewakan dari segi rasa, harga yang mahal sebanding dengan kualitas bahan makanan yang disajikan.

Our Wagyu adventure came to an end when they served us a cup of green tea, which is the best green tea we ever drink. We also ordered Ginger Ale for drink. In total we paid ¥8,050 per person. Overall, even there’s one or two so-so dish, but the expensive price is worth the high quality of the presented meals.

what: Genji Restaurant Hilton Hotel Osaka

where: ヒルトン大阪, Umeda, Ōsaka-shiKita-ku, Osaka Prefecture 530-0001, Jepang (nearest exit from Umeda Station: C-30)

how much¥8,050 per person

8 thoughts on “Halal Restaurant: Genji Restaurant Hilton Hotel Osaka

  1. Ogawa Sora says:

    Salah baca postingan ini saat lagi puasa karena saliva langsung bercucuran. Moga puasanya masih bisa dibilang afdol ya. XD
    Boleh nih masuk daftar kalo ada kesempatan ke Osaka tapi 8000 yen sekali makan siang?! O.o Itu udah bisa buat beli dvd last live ViViD dan masih ada kembalian!



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